
Letter from a friend - Letter 2

libia matheus writing a newsletter

Libia Matheus

1 Oct 2023

5 min read

In a world where many are feeling disheartened and uncertain about the year ahead, I want to propose a challenge. I've compiled a list of some negative habits for you to leave behind in 2024. Are you willing to take on this challenge?

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Hello, dear Friend, how are you?

Today marks the start of October, and like the beginning of any month, it prompts us to reflect how swiftly the days, months, and years pass by. As we draw near to the year's end, many thoughts come to mind. With only three months remaining in the year, it's essential for us to pause and evaluate the state of our lives and our interactions with those around us.

In a world where many are feeling disheartened and uncertain about the year ahead, I want to propose a challenge. I've compiled a list of some negative habits for you to leave behind in 2024. Are you willing to take on this challenge?


Unhealthy eating and a lack of exercise: Remember, getting healthier isn't just about looking better; it's about feeling better too. . Your overall well-being, energy levels, libido, and mental acuity all improve when you commit to a proper diet and regular exercise.

Consuming only low-quality entertainment: While it's fine to enjoy movies and entertainment for leisure, both cinema and literature offer essential works that can contribute to better self-understanding. How about giving them a chance in 2024?

Arguing with Your Partner Over Small Things: In our daily lives, it's essential not to jump into arguments right away. How about making a rule to wait a bit before arguing? You might be surprised how many fights resolve themselves.

Wearing a Grumpy Face: Smiles aren't just for looks; they can boost your own mood and make others feel better too. Smiling isn't just good for your face muscles; it's good for your heart!

Thinking Too Much Without Taking Action: Spending too much time thinking about the past or waiting for a perfect future can make you stuck in the present. Remember, you can only change things in here and now.

Spending The Day Without Expressing Gratitude To God: Taking a moment each morning when you wake up to say thanks to God can give you the strength and happiness to face whatever comes your way.

It's not about making big resolutions; it's about taking small steps to become better people. I'm on this journey with you as well. This challenge isn't just about personal growth; it's something we can do together, supporting each other along the way.

"Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.”

Take good care, and may you have a wonderful week ahead!


From the Newsletter

Contemplative escape into the nuances of daily life, where simplicity meets depth and routine meets reflection, guiding readers towards a harmonious and thoughtful lifestyle.



Perth - Western Australia

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Perth - Western Australia

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Perth - Western Australia

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